La Vega

LA Vega / Guatemala / Espresso

Variety: Bourbon, Maragogype, Pache | Process: Washed | Altitude: 2000 MASL | Harvest: February 2024| Producer: Samuel Escalante, Finca la Vega | Region: Cuilco, Huehuetenango

Rich and complex with notes of blackberry crumble, spices & dark chocolate.

As the days get colder, here in the roastery we frequently turn to the chocolatey, complex and warming coffees from Huehuetenango, northern Guatemala.

This micro-lot from Finca La Vega has that in spades, plus a dollop of mature fruit and a boozy acidity to round it all off. In short, an excellent winter warmer for the festive season. Hats off to Samuel for growing it!

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4.50 €
4.50 € / 100 g