
Gemstone Family - Feldspar mineral of the plagioclase series

Chakras - Crown Chakra

Colour - iridescent blue, green, red, orange, and yellow colors

Found in - Best examples are found in Finland & Canada, but can also be found in Australia, Costa Rica, Germany, Madagascar, Mexico, Norway, Russia, and the United States

Element Associated with - Water

Also known as - Labrador Feldspar, Spectrolite. Also known as Rainbow Moonstone when the labradorite is based on white matrix

Meaning - Labradorite is named after the place it was found, Labrador, Canada.

Birthstone Month - August

Zodiac Sign - Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Labradorite may pay special attention to the lungs but it doesn't stop there. It also helps with healthy digestion, regulation and keeps your metabolism working well. For those who suffer from the symptoms of PMS and painful periods, this gentle stone can also aid in keeping pain and tension on the down-low. It also helps to heal rheumatism and gets rid of the problems caused by gout.

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Physical Healing Properties - Said to reduce the effects of respiratory problems, colds and flu, aids digestion and stimulates the metabolism. Also said to reduce stress and anxiety when kept on the person

Emotional Healing Properties - said to calm minds, whilst inspiring imagination, reduces drained feelings, inspires adventure and change, clarifys thought an dispels illusion

Spiritual Properties - Said to allow access to the "Void", the source of creation and potential, allows recall of experiences in other plains of existence, and past lives. A protector of the aura and can prevent energy leakage.

Legend has it that... Said to have fell to Earth from the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights), and is said to hold it's colour and shimmer within the stone