Rose Quartz

Gemstone Family - Quartz

Chakras - Heart (4th)

Colour - Pink/Rose

Found in - Brazil, South Africa, India, Madagascar, Namibia, Mozambique, Sri Lanka and the US

Element Associated with - Water

Also known as - "The Heart Stone", "Love Stone", Pink Quartz, Hyaline Quartz (Greek)

Meaning - Comes from the Greek word "Hyalos" meaning Glass

Birthstone Month - January

Zodiac Sign - Taurus & Libra

This stone is calming, reassuring and brings deep inner healing. It will aid you in times of heartache or crisis. It brings you confidence, self-esteem, self-worth and self-love.

It purifies and opens the heart chakra on many levels. It gently removes negative energy away from you replacing it with love.

It helps balance the emotions and makes you receptive to love, as well as attracting love into your life.

It encourages you to be forgiving and accepting. It is said to increase fertility and to strengthen the physical heart.

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Physical Healing Properties - Supports the heart in healing from trauma and disease

Emotional Healing Properties - Releases past wounds, teaches trust and hope, helps recover emotionally from previous hurt, encourages new love

Spiritual Properties - Encourages spirituality of love, links heart to the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe