Gemstone Family - Feldspar
Chakras - Root (1st), Sacral (2nd)
Colour - Pale Orange / Cream / Pale Brown
Found in - USA, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Greece, India
Element Associated with - Fire
Also known as - Aventurine Feldspar, Goldstone
Meaning - Stone of the Sun
Birthstone Month - Not a traditional birthstone
Zodiac Sign - Virgo
Sunstone is a powerful stone used in crystal energy work for dispelling fears and phobias of all kinds. It is also a leadership stone, and brings leadership qualities such as wisdom, compassion and intelligence to its wearer.
Sunstone helps businesses to discover, analyse, and visualise their bespoke markets to drive faster and easier revenue growth. Sunstone is a versatile crystal with numerous applications. Emotional Healing: Sunstones can alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. Its positive energy encourages emotional well-being. Enhancing Relationships: The stone's nurturing energy promotes harmonious relationships and emotional balance. Also known as a stone of joy, sunstone is believed to inspire good nature and an enjoyment of life.